Origin of Choreography Showcase

October 1, 2024

Take a glance back at how Choreography Showcase began with Opus II Dance Studio Founder, Hellie Schussler.

The year was 1986. We were in our 2 nd studio space, 19 East Third Street (the old Sharp’s Grocery Store Warehouse). It was dingy and cold – but it was a good place for us. We liked it. Our first Stravinsky was created there, as was our first production of The Little Mermaid. And that was where the famous studio sleep-over occurred which was the inspiration for our annual ChoreographyShowcase.

Opus II Dance Studio had been in existence since 1982. Our dancers were becoming more advanced and, even in those days, we tried to provide lots of performing opportunities. We had a great group of dancers, and for some reason, I agreed to a studio sleep-over! I know those of you who know me now can’t believe I would do such a thing, but things were different in those days. Mainly, I was young!

The dancers had the idea to create a ballet, and after plenty of pizza and snacks, they got to work. Curt and I and a few of the older dancers, left them to their task. We talked and dozed in the office. Around 4am we were summoned from our various stages of sleeplessness for the showcase. It was a delight! They did their own version of The Nutcracker - absolutely magical. We gave them a standing ovation and lots of Bravos! This was all I needed to convince me that our dancers needed a chance to express themselves. And so they have it!

The following year we hosted our 1 st Annual Choreography Showcase. The choreographers are responsible for all aspects of their dances . . . casting, music choices, rehearsals, costuming, etc. All we provide is a performing space and an audience. No matter what their experience all choreographers have had the courage to learn by doing and to stand up and be counted. That is a beautiful thing.

On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined
Lord Byron
Note: ARB Board Members, Kari Nikolaus & Kimberly Cadley-Mach, were among those “sleep-over
Hellie Schussler - Founder/Servant to the Arts

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