Break is over - Now the real fun begins!
We’re Back! Let’s Get The Show On The Road!
Opus & ARB dancers are back in the studio after a nice Spring Break. We are ready to work!
Spring Dance Concert #35 is "The Main Event" for our dancers and faculty now.
It’s a Cinderella year. We invite our alumni to send us their Cinderella memories and photos. If you send them, we will post them. : )
To kick off the walk down memory lane ... Who is that young-ish looking Step Mother? And what beautiful daughters she has!
Hellie Schussler as Step-Mother, with Step-Daughters Robert Beech and Mark (Welby) Koehler. Our first Cinderella, Brooke Wesner, tries to get a peek at The Invitation to The Ball.
35th Annual Spring Dance Concert
May 19 & 20 at 7:30pm at Hugo Young Theatre (Ashland University)
Tickets on sale now at:
Weekdays Noon-5pm
(419) 289-5125