29th Annual Choreography Showcase

September 28, 2016

Ashland Regional Ballet presents this annual event at Opus Rehearsal Hall on 2nd Street in Ashland.

  • Friday October 7 & Saturday October 8
  •  7:30 pm (Doors open at 7pm)

Tickets - General Seating

  • $10 Adults & $8 Students/Sr. Citizens
  • Available at Opus II Dance Studio during class-time hours or at the door.  
  • Opus families may charge tickets to their studio account. 

Choreographer - the creative artist. 
Dancer - the interpretive artist.

Choreographers and dancers need each other to bring dance to the stage. This showcase provides an opportunity for the craft of choreography to be explored. 

We have 100 seats available per show!  Let's fill those seats for our our courageous and inspired choreographers and their cast members.  You never know what to expect, but it's always interesting.  Come see!


Keywords: performance
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