Regarding Summer Semester at Opus II
By Hellie Schussler
April 10, 2014Because you asked: This information is intended as a guide for parents and students who are considering Summer Dance at Opus II Dance Studio.
Summer Semester is intended for Intermediate and Advanced level dancers. These dancers find it a necessity – IF they are the type who feel best when attending regular classes, and IF they are the type who really want to be their best.
Students moving up from Ballet 2 - you are encouraged to attend. This is where you will be able to experience what it takes to achieve higher standards. Though there will be skills worked on to which you have not been introduced, motivated dancers should be able to enjoy the challenge. Being in class with more advanced dancers will give you a view of yourself in a year or two. Though 4 times a week is ideal for progress, 2 days a week is still a good way to keep your technique growing during the summer. We would encourage you to try the first week before signing on for the entire semester. We will adjust your tuition accordingly, and would rather have a student feel the accomplishment of completing a full committed week, than feeling the need to drop out if the class work is too difficult.
Ballet Preps & Ballet 1's - We have found over the years that our youngest dancers do better if given plenty of time off between semesters to just be children. They are then eager to begin the next round. For the born-dancers who lament the time off, we will consider offering Special Children's Classes if there is enough request for this type of summer dance experience.
The summer dancers are very special. We love teaching summer classes and the born-dancer types love the hard work and sweat.